Signs and Wonders

The Drink that does Wonders

14-Year-Old News Footage Released

We have unearthed from the Signs & Wonders catacombs a series of news stories that were (and still may be) many people’s first exposure to peanut milk.

Our first clip comes from the CBS Channel 5 News Team. They talk about Jack’s accidental discovery of peanut milk and how the “customers at the cafe say that they swear to the powers of peanut  milk.” Check it out:


CBS observes how the “testimonials which hang proudly on the wall of the cafe pay tribute to the effects they’ve experienced. They say the milk does everything from preventing baldness to healing long-lasting wounds in diabetics to strengthening AIDS and cancer patients.”

Testimonials include:

“I was really amazed during the whole cancer treatment process that my body just stayed fairly strong through the whole thing. I never got to the point of feebleness.”

“After the 2nd day, I noticed a reduction in swelling and also my gums are feeling much better.”

“I’ve been having some every morning and my energy level and my concentration seems to go up.”

“I actually was starting to go bald a little bit in the top of my head and that patch is gone.”

Read more testimonials here.

More news clips like this will be released over the next month. Stay tuned!